HEAL THE NATION MINISTRIES is a prophetic and healing ministry, founded by Pastors Joseph and Collette Michaels in 2001 to bring spiritual and emotional healing and restoration to individuals and families and to equip people to fulfil their God-given calling and destiny. The message was clearly received from God; “HEAL THE NATION” We believe that people are God’s greatest creation, and therefore we will make every effort to guide them to understand how much GOD loves them and cares about them. Pastor Joseph and Collette are both strong Word based people and operate strongly in the Healing Ministry as well as the Prophetic. Pastor Joseph and Collette both have a Bachelor Degree in Theology and Ministry, and are studying further.
To be recognised as an excellent and effective Christian institution striving to restore, rebuild and release people by means of mainstreaming them into society and business. Constantly striving for excellence in ministry of God’s Word in submission to leading of the Holy Spirit thereby creating a positive impact on the lives of people.
HEAL THE NATION, is totally based on the Word of God, and is committed to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by all means available by restoring, rebuilding, releasing, training, and equipping individuals to be self sufficient. We strive for the provision of world class solutions to our communities that are less fortunate through innovative, well articulated activities and ideas and to be strategic partners to such communities.